As a family law attorney, you know that your CFL Designation for Divorce Practitioners gives you the advanced financial knowledge necessary to understand and analyze your clients’ complex financial issues and documents. This is especially important when your client is half of a high net worth couple. But have you ever considered using your Certified Financial Litigator credential as a marketing tool?
When today’s high-asset consumers search for a divorce attorney, they want one who not only knows divorce law and can counsel and guide them on such issues as child custody and support, but also the financial aspects of their impending divorce, such as the following:
- Spousal support
- Division of marital property
- Tax implications of various property settlement agreements
- Preserving the family business or professional practice
- Finding possible hidden assets of his or her spouse
All of these matters require a superior degree of financial knowledge and sophistication that goes well beyond the traditional law school education. Promoting your CFL credential makes you stand out from the crowd in attracting these high-asset clients.
Your Website
It goes without saying that in today’s electronic age, your website is your most effective marketing tool – or definitely should be. This is your vehicle for connecting with a large audience of potential clients. Consequently, your website should do all of the following:
- Showcase your legal services
- Reinforce your credentials and expertise
- Demonstrate how you stand out from the law firm crowd
- Establish your credibility
- Target the types of clients you most want to attract
If you currently do not have a website or if your existing one is not giving you the results you desire, you may wish to engage an internet marketing company whose job it is to put their electronic and technological savvy to work for you. Some companies specialize in designing, developing and providing content for attorney and law firm websites. Hiring one could give you the best return on your marketing dollars.
Content, Content, Content
Whether you hire an internet marketing company or build and maintain your website yourself, the content on each of its pages, particularly your home page, must immediately grab your target audience and keep them there, focused on you and what you can do for them. Compelling graphics are a vital part of your compelling content.
If you do not have a law firm logo, consider hiring a graphic designer to create a unique one for you. The accent here is on uniqueness. The traditional scales of justice simply won’t do; too many lawyers use it as part of their logo. Also make sure to display the logos of the organizations from which you have received specialty certification such as the American Academy for Certified Financial Litigators and your state Bar Association. Also include the logos of the organizations from which you have received recognition, such as Martindale-Hubbell, Arvo, etc.
You should also consider adding the following marketing tools to your website:
- Blog containing informational posts pertinent to your practice area(s)
- Client reviews and testimonials
- Custom landing pages, such as one where your clients and potential clients can sign up to receive your monthly email newsletter
- Contact page where potential clients can find your physical address (if you include a map, that’s even better), email address, phone number, and a form they can fill out giving you their name, contact information and the legal issue(s) they currently face
For more information on financial issues you need to be aware of, how gaining your CFL Designation for Divorce Practitioners will give you the financial knowledge and skills you need to attract additional high-asset clients, and the other benefits of AACFL membership, please visit this page of our website.