
The Changed Landscape of Attorney Marketing – Part V

In this our final segment on how you can more effectively use your CFL Designation for Divorce Practitioners to attract the high-asset clients you seek, it’s time to bring everything together. That means focus, focus, focus and website content, content, content. The whole purpose of your online attorney marketing is to “speak” to the potential…


How Enforceable Is An Out-of-State Spousal Support Order?

As a family law attorney, you likely have frequent occasions to represent clients seeking enforcement of their out-of-state divorce decrees and child and spousal support orders. While your CFL Designation for Divorce Practitioners gives you the advanced financial knowledge necessary to analyze their often complex orders, including such things as QDROs, you nevertheless need to…


How to Use Your Credentials as Marketing Tools

As a family law attorney, you know that your CFL Designation for Divorce Practitioners gives you the advanced financial knowledge necessary to understand and analyze your clients’ complex financial issues and documents. This is especially important when your client is half of a high net worth couple. But have you ever considered using your Certified…


Drilling Down on RFP Business Entity Documents

This is the third in our three-part series on the critical importance of the Requests for Production of Documents that as a divorce attorney you send to opposing counsel so as to gain financial information about your client’s spouse. After discussing RFPs in general, we next discussed the personal documents you should request. Today we…
